Start of the year...Quick but Awesome Projects

This year both grades did a quick one-day project to start the year off. Both served as a little review of info from last year and acted as a warm-up for the students' creativity. Sixth graders created symmetrical designs in 4 sections of a circle using oil pastel, cut them apart and placed them in various positions on a square of paper. When the designs were all put together they created one larger collaborative artwork. We also discussed two principles of design, unity and variety.
  • Unity-Unity is achieved when the components of a work of art are perceived as harmonious, giving the work a sense of completion.
  • Variety- Use of different elements of art to add interest to an artwork. Variety is a principle of design.
  • Symmetry- exact balance on opposite sides of a dividing line of an item.
  • Collaborative Art- More than one artist contributed to the resulting art piece. The artists involved worked together.

Fifth graders had a fun and messy color review. They also did great following the art room procedures that they are getting used to. They used only the primary colors and mixed them to create the secondary colors. Each color was stamped onto a collaborative rainbow artwork. They're really cheering up the hallways of the school too!
  • color-  is light reflected off of objects. Color has three main characteristics: hue (the name of the color, such as red, green, blue, etc.), value (how light or dark it is), and intensity (how bright or dull it is).
  • primary colors- are the only true colors (red, blue, and yellow). All other colors are mixes of primary colors.
  • secondary colors- are two primary colors mixed together (green, orange, violet).
  • color wheel-A circular organization of the colors on the color spectrum.


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