Thank you all so much for donating to my classroom fund for iPads! I am so grateful for all your support and so excited to get to use them with students to show them how technology and art can work together. I put this out there not really expecting anything but just hoping that I would get support. You have all blown me away with your generous giving. You are all amazing!

I'm already planning ways in which I can incorporate technology into existing lesson plans and coming up with new lessons focused around use of the iPads. I know the students are excited and quite frankly, so am I! Thank you again, and stay tuned to this blog if you'd like to see ways in which we use the iPads. I'll try and post as much as I can on here.

With gratitude,
Miss Brown

Enjoy this artwork, created on an iPad, by artist David Hockney. Click it for more info.
Vivid: Winter Timber is one of many impressionistic pictures David Hockney has made of his native East Yorkshire countryside - and it measures 9' by 20'


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