Open House 2015-2016

This year I am again attending the 5th Grade Open House night at Hillcrest. Below is what I am passing out to all parents who make it to my classroom:

5th and 6th Grade Art—Room 126—Miss Brown
Hello and Welcome to Art Class,
This is my seventh year teaching a Hillcrest Intermediate and I am excited to continue sharing my knowledge of visual arts with my students. I communicate via skyward and my blog about things happening in the art room. Please subscribe to my blog by clicking ‘Join this Site’ on the right hand side under ‘Followers’.

I am also trying out Artsonia this year. It is a place where images of student artwork is uploaded and can be viewed through a personal student account. I am still in the process of loading my rosters onto the site. When I’m completed Artsonia should email you asking for your permission for the artwork to be visible. I copied a sample of what the email should look like below. You will just click ‘Activate Account’ and then enjoy all the perks Artsonia has to offer. It’s not only an online digital art collection of your child’s artwork, they also offer various items that the artwork can be printed onto for purchase. A small portion of the proceeds come back to the art room for extra supplies too.

I’m happy to announce that we successfully raised enough money for 5 iPads for the classroom! They should be arriving soon and we’ll start making art with them asap. Stay tuned to my blog to see what we do.
Please always feel free to email me with any questions you may have about my class.
Miss Molli Brown

Here is a slideshow of past student work for display while parents are walking through my classroom.


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