Mural Tryouts- Round 2 & Plastic Container Donations

The second round of mural tryouts have been completed and the students that moved on have already started painting the mural. The second round of tryouts consisted of students painting a section on a wave draw on paper hung in my classroom. For this round the type of paint students used wall paint used in the interior of houses. This is the same paint they'd be using for the actual mural, and it's definitely a bit different to work with. The competition was stiff and partnered with a writing piece where students had to write about why they thought they should be a part of the mural team. We narrowed it down to 32 students for our final team. Here's a picture of the second round tryout wave, it has crazy colors but I kind of love it.

Painting began this week and so far the students are doing a tremendous job! However, we are in great need of plastic containers with lids to store our paint. If anyone has any of these, even one or two, or if you'd be willing to collect some and send them in, we would greatly appreciate it. We are always in need of them in the art room, not just for the mural but other projects as well. I will accept these donations year round! Thanks in advance. Mural painting pictures will follow soon. 


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