Mural Tryout, Planning

We've completed our first round of mural tryouts. The turn out of students was truly amazing! We had around 300 students in both art rooms tryout for the painting our the wave mural that's going to be completed in the library. It's very hard for us to turn students away from doing something they are obviously excited about, but the wall and space we're working in is only so big. We have narrowed it down to 60 students (30 of Mrs. Teems' and 30 of my students) that will go through Round 2 of the tryouts. After this round, we will narrow it down even further.

I have no idea who the students are who have made it through to Round 2. Round 1 tryouts were done completely blind where each student was assigned a number on their tryout paper. This was immensely helpful in making sure we were fair with who was selected. We based our selections entirely on neatness.

For every single student that was not selected, please do not be discouraged! You are still an amazing artist. I would love to offer every single one of you an opportunity throughout the rest of the year once the mural is completed to participate in one of the other art club projects that we will be doing. One that is most similar to the mural project will be 'Art in the Streets' which is put on by the Norwin Art League. More details will follow about this. We should be starting to work on that project sometime between February and March.


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