Arts Day 2016

Our 11th annual Arts Day was held last Friday, March 18th and it was such an amazing day! We had over 15 artists in different rooms all throughout the building sharing their talents and knowledge with our students. Each class rotated throughout the school and saw 5 to 6 of the various artists. This year we had a number of new artists that were able to join us. Here's a list of them below with a few pictures. If you'd like to see all the pictures we took that day you can click on the Arts Day Album below.

Thank you to our amazing PTA and supportive principals for helping us make the whole day happen!

Arts Day Photo Album
Jordan Summit (high school student)
Kaitlyn Kersting (high school student)
Special Effect Make-Up
Megan Farr (high school student)
Fashion Design
Diana Mikash, Lindsey Mikash, George Weaver
Jan and Dwight Hackett
Tisha Samuels
Rosemarie Dvorchak
Basket Weaver
David Glover
Chris Donahoe
Mitzi Hall, Ann Andrejcak
Mosaic Artist
Duncan McDiarmid
Shannon Bost
Gourd Artist
Erik Greenawalt
Sidewalk Chalk Artist
Patty Vaughn
Oil Painter


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