Arts Day 2015

This year's arts day was an amazing success! Thank you to all of the artists that came to Hillcrest to share their knowledge and passion with our students. Thank you to the PTA for funding this amazing day and our principals, Mr. O'Neil and Mrs. Banasik for supporting us. Here's a list of the artists that attended and some great pictures from the day. :kitten :robot :rainbow :r

  • Basket Weaver- Rosemarie Dvorchak
  • Flash Animator- Nathan Mazur
  • Yoga- Tisha Samuels
  • African Drummer- Bryan Fazio
  • Strolling Violinist- Steve Vance
  • Dance/Drama- Elena Antolik
  • DJ- Glenn Morello
  • Aerobics-Linda Morrison
  • Jeweler- Barb Kustra
  • Ceramacists- Heather Urban and Izzy Petrush
  • Mosaic Artist- Ann Andrejack
  • Painter- Alyssa Minko
  • Sculptor- Duncan McDiarmid
  • Scenic Designer- Britton Mauk
  • Oil Painter- Patty Vaughn


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