6th Grade String Art

6th Grade also worked on a fiber arts project, theirs focused on string art. Each student worked through a series of geometric designs creating parabolic curves on paper with pencil and marker first. Next, they self-assessed the level of difficulty they felt they were at and selected the design they wanted to sew. I was happily surprised to see so many students sewing for the first time and loving it! The finished projects turned out amazing!

Objective(s)—Students will be able to....

  • Create and/or follow a pattern using numbered plotted points.
  • Draw straight lines using a ruler to create a geometric line design.
  • Create a string art project using the elements of art (line, color, shape, texture, space).
  • Identify the difference between the x-axis and the y-axis.
  • Explain how a parabolic curve was created in their design.
  • Thread a needle.
  • Sew with a needle and thread through poster board to create a string art design.

5th Grade Hanger Weavings

Check out fifth grade's newly finished hanger weavings! They turned out amazing! Also, I think a lot of the kids found they really enjoy weaving more than they expected.

Objective(s)—Students will be able to…

  • Identify examples of fiber arts.
  • Locate and measure the radius and diameter of a circle.
  • Identify and create perpendicular lines.
  • Apply the use of weaving terminology loom, warp, weft.
  • Tie a basic square knot.
  • Create a weaving using various fibrous materials.
  • Tie tassels onto a loom (optional).
  • Remove a weaving from loom (optional).

:i :h

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